Bernard started out as a part time swimming coach in 1996 before going full time in order to be available for his students conveniently and establishing Aquatic Sports Academy in 2011.
He is well known to be extremely patient and well liked by his students who come from all ages - from toddlers, primary school children, competitive swimmers, adults and retirees. Over the last 25 years, through positive word of mouth, Bernard has been approached numerous times to coach both young children and adult learners.
Fast forward till today, he has groomed many students in overcoming fear of water, building water confidence and finally swimming skillfully and even winning at swimming competitions.
Along the way, Bernard ensures his knowledge and skills in coaching are always current. He is a
Certified trainer and examiner with the Singapre Life Saving Society
Certified trainer with the Swim Australia Teacher.
Certified trainer with Open Water Swimming Coach
Certified Babies and Toddlers CPR & AED Foundation Coach with Malaysia Swimming Teachers ' Association